Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kutipan dari Buku ‘Jomblo Narsis’

Udah lama banget tidak mengisi bloggggggggg…. Aaaaaaaaaaaa…. Soalnya sibuk, dan hal-hal yang tidak terduga harus dilakukan…
Pasti udah kangen dengan hal-hal yang aku terbitkan disini ya… hehehhe narsis.. ^^

Kali ini ane akan me-post hal-hal yang menarik dari buku yang sudah ane baca selama ini… kutipan-kutipan yang membangun atau menarik untuk diketahui..
Jadi setiap habis baca buku, jika ada kata-kata yang menarik akan ane catat dan post disini… 

Kutipan ini dari buku yang berjudul ‘jomblo narsis’….

This morning I’m still awake
After the sleepless night,
To feel so great, for something I’ve never felt
Finally I know, it is a brand new soul
And for the sake of God
This is because of someone I found,

-- Hal 40 --

^… Living For No Meaning …^

You may never know how it feels
When you are nobody for everybody
When you are nothing to everything
You don’t have any chance to find tomorrow
Worse, you don’t belong to tomorrow

You don’t own reason what you are living for
Yesterday, today, or the next lives
You only see what you wanna see, not what you have to see
You only do what is forced to you
Not what you really want to do
You are worthless to choose
Cause the choose are not made for you
Simply, you have no right to choose,
Neither to take, nor to pick

You are living,
But you belong to the death realm
You are breathing,
But you only borrow the air from other

See, you really have no value to the world
You are not as small as dust, but people can’t notice you
You are not as transparent as wind, but people are
So hard to fell you
You are not seen, an invisible creature
You exist but you mean nothing

You might never know how it feels
Coz you are the reason for what ever bad I feel

-- Hal 183 - 184 --

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